They say “That first step you take, is the longest stride…” (one example at the bottom of this post)

What I’ve realized is that the ‘first step’… isn’t necessarily the FIRST step of the whole process! It’s the NEXT STEP!!!

Momentum rules! (There’s a fundamental law of physics you can see here that explains momentum, or lack of it, in great depth!)

My point – regardless of ‘this’ being your first step on a hike, first step in a new workout program – or the 10th step, or 100th – that NEXT step is the first one! You know the saying, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life…” Welllllll – yeah!

When I’m struggling to take that ‘first’ next step, I’ve realized how vitally important daily habits and rituals are! Since I’m a bit of a ‘spazz’ (adhd) – for me, those habits and rituals actually have to be ever changing too! Keeping it fresh, interesting – otherwise I bore with the process and stop doing it!

and OOOOH NOOOOO!!!! What if you’re 5 miles in on a 10 mile hike and that next step is just tooooo much??!?   YOU CAN’T not take that next, first step! Neither can I! I can not, will not, must not ever stop striving to improve myself!! To do that, daily, consistent habits.. oh so boring!

Here’s how I keep it fresh, so those vital, daily ‘first steps’ keep being taken:

Music, meditation, stretching and exercise, videos, and both reading and writing have all become part of my daily launch. Sometimes I skip one or two little pieces and parts – and sometimes I mix it up with which videos, or what I read or write – or how I meditate or exercise (gotta keep it interesting!).

What do YOU do daily?

What is the one thing you must have in your day?

Wait- don’t feel bad if you haven’t established a daily habit or ritual! But, please do realize that if YOU don’t choose your rituals and daily habits, they are most assuredly being chosen FOR YOU!

If you need help figuring it all out – don’t hesitate to reach out! I’ve helped a lot of people identify what they really want; then find and establish daily habits that help them get there; even can help you find accountability partners or mastermind groups to help you maintain your new habits.

Enjoy your day, EnthusiastiCLAY!



Here is that video I promised – this is one of those things I listen to daily to help remind me how important TODAY is…