I’ve spent a lot of years, working with a lot of people, in a lot of different environments, learning a lot… And the overwhelming majority of those people were more pessimistic than optimistic.

If I shared a video like this with them, they would grumble and argue about how it is a bunch of hogwash.



They would ramble on about how optimists tend to be the dreamers, not the achievers. They would question the validity of these ideas – they would prove with examples, time and time again how artists and dreamers would sacrifice their lives and die in poverty…

Pretty depressing stuff actually.

Then, I hit that deer, on my bike – and didn’t crash.

Then, I was shown, with photographic evidence and my own reality how dramatically different the world can be from our perception. In about a 2 second span, I was shown that the world we live in simply can’t be measured by our feeble senses. Which, of course, I already knew – and so do you!

Grab your cell phone. Can you sense the electromagnetic signals beaming to and from that cell phone that allow you to text your boyfriend or girlfriend? No – you can’t. Can you see the atomic level interactions that are happening in your computer which enable you to scroll down this page? No – you can’t. Heck, as I get older – I’m finding sometimes, I have to use those atomic level components to zoom in just so I can actually SEE the text if the font is too small!

Point is – you, me, WE just can’t KNOW what is really happening all around us because we simply lack the ability to perceive even one tenth of one percent of what is actually happening! Another example – how many radio stations, TV stations, ham radio operators, cell phone towers, wifi routers, and satellites are transmitting electromagnetic signals that are striking your body right now?

We simply can not know because we lack the ability to perceive those things.

What else?

What else can you now know?

That question has driven me on my pursuit to understand the mind. That pursuit has revealed that all this ‘hogwash’ that the successful preach just may not be hogwash at all! Ok, I’ll stop ‘teasing’ with this subject: It can’t be.

These teachings have been consistent since history started being recorded. Just like the screen being presented to you today without you being able to see or understand how these words are magically appearing – but you’re reading them! Those that have gone before us have laid out a clear and basic system for achieving anything we desire…

And that is the first, most important – and often times hardest step… What do YOU DESIRE?

That brings us into the challenges we face living in our society and our culture. You have been taught since a VERY young age, in more ways than we know, to NOT ask yourself that question fully. You’ve been taught to be realistic. You’ve been taught to be sensible. You’ve been taught ‘those things are for those people, not you’…

Well – I’m telling you, the only reason you were taught that was because those people were taught that and believed it with all their hearts. Thank them! Thank them for caring about you and trying to protect you… and then MOVE ON!

Start NOW.

  1. Get a journal – USE IT! how?
    1. Write this at the top of the first page: “what do I really want?”
    2. Set a timer for at least 30 minutes.
    3. Start writing and do NOT STOP for 30 minutes.
    4. After you write down what you want (examples: a promotion, 10 new customers, a successful business) – and you think you completed the exercise… ask this question: “WHY?”
    5. Every time you stop – go back to the last thing you wrote and ask: “WHY?” – repeat for that half hour.
  2. Second way to use that journal:
    1. EVERY day – write: “I am grateful for…” and spend at least 10 minutes listing at least 5 things you are grateful for.

There are two steps you can start today that will dramatically affect how you feel and perform in every aspect of your life.

Or, you can go turn on the news and see what THEY think is important for you to see today…


If you are curious about other strategies, insights, or how I didn’t crash when a deer REALLY tried to knock my bike over, sign up for a one time complimentary strategy session with me here: https://calendly.com/enthusiasticlay

Here’s one thing I can promise you: “You never know if you don’t go.” Let’s see if I can help you!