It doesn’t have to be some HUGE, unbelievable dream like the first guy in this video… I mean, not everyone was meant to literally fly, right?
I had one a while back…
Oprah says something in this video too! She talks about paying attention. Well – If I weren’t paying attention, the ‘notification’ that this dream just came true would have slipped right by me!
It was in a small text message- someone just saying something that probably didn’t mean anything to them… but meant the world to me!
I was compared to one of my mentors in a very… interesting way. But – the point was, I’ve reached a goal! What amazing things have YOU done in your life that you’ve let ‘slip by’ because you were so focused on that next goal?
Take time and EMBRACE each moment folks – today, MONDAY – YOU will be handed a miracle somewhere, somehow. You will be given a gift that is simply unbelievable! (reading this right now is actually pretty darn amazing if you even contemplated the technology and years of scientific advancement that had to go into just this…)
Enjoy your DAY!
Pipe up with a dream come true – something amazing that happened in the last 72 hours in your world…
Here’s how I can help: