“Most people go through life never discovering what their talents are. Most people never develop their talents.” Les Brown says that about 1:15 into this short motivational video.
This is where I see people struggling SOOO badly every day!
The simple fact that you are reading this makes you NOT ‘most people’! Yet, you feel like you’re behind. You feel like you are not good enough, or not as good as… someone else you’re thinking about right now. And that right there is one of the things that stops you!
Please don’t get me wrong! As I type this, those thoughts are flooding into my head too! I’m actually building a list of all ‘those people’ that I’ve compared myself to over the years… and I’ve got a LOT of years of comparing to do!
Here’s the trick I’ve learned, mostly by listening to and studying ‘those people’: Learn how to measure yourself realistically.
Can you start a business tomorrow and generate a residual passive income stream in 6 months? Well, honestly, maybe you can… I couldn’t. A lot of people can’t ‘just do it’ immediately – there is a learning curve associated with everything. You have to figure out how to swing a hammer before you can drive in a nail – right? Same thing with anything you’re striving for…
Yet, there we sit. There we sit, almost constantly berating and regretting and beating ourselves up because we didn’t do what David, or Johnny, or Samantha did. We weren’t able to retire this year. We weren’t able to get 10 presales, or whatever…
Assessing, realistically, where you are and where you’ve been are the first steps. Then, with expert help, determining a realistic goal.
You simply can not step out onto a basketball court and compete with LeBron James tomorrow… But – if you a spent a year practicing, building your muscles, working with a bad ass coach and focusing on strategizing how you can effectively compete… then, maybe you could score one basket against him! 🙂
Seriously though – our minds KNOW our weaknesses. Your subconscious knows exactly which buttons to push to keep you stationary. Find someone that can help you overcome that part of you, that understands those physical dynamics and can help you keep moving forward!
Here’s one option:
In one hour, I’ve helped more people than I can count right now move forward by first understanding what their brains are using against them, how it is being used – and then simply establishing the right next step… Then – you can celebrate your success!! (which is VERY important!)
Enjoy your day-