Tony says it pretty clearly in this video – and I’m working on saying it JUST as clearly…

  1. Movement, progression, driving toward a goal – that is when we feel the best. Attaining that goal, for a brief moment, is ecstasy. Then, it quickly wears off… so it ain’t the target you’re shooting for – it’s that feeling you get just before, anticipation, and that feeling that you are moving in the ‘right’ direction, and that moment when you ‘HIT IT’…
  2. There is an infinite amount of models to follow, and they ALL work. What isn’t working is you haven’t become the person that particular model works for. That’s what personal development is all about.

Get It Done 101 is the first step – I’ve found these 5 areas of focus, these 5 topics, are where a large percentage of folks that are stuck need to focus.

Tony describes it in this video pretty clearly – behaviors, actions, and your mindset are everything.

If you are struggling, frustrated with a system, not moving fast enough, not moving at all… Check out Get It Done 101. This just may be the answer for you, like it has been for a published author, a professional athlete, a marketing consultant, a SaaS business owner, and so many others…


For now – enjoy Tony: