Talk about timing!

Eric Thomas is FINALLY ‘out of the lab’! He NAILED it for me today, hope this resonates with you guys…

click -warning! click-click… abrupt subject change approaching (apparently)

New motorcycle riders want to go FAST! At least, they want to be able to FEEL like they are going fast, feel comfortable and confident, all that – soooo what do they do? They focus on getting better? How – practice going faster until they ‘get it’!

Problem is, they are usually clueless as to the vast array of skills they will need in order to be able to actually ‘go fast’. That basically puts them in a constant state of pushing themselves to go faster and be more comfortable… which stresses them out, because going ‘faster’ without the skills is NOT comfortable!

They are sooo focused on the problem of getting faster – they are missing the necessary ACTIONS needed in order to learn the skills to GO FAST!

CLICK! – so, in ET’s words (and a lot of other folk’s) – The problem is the problem! Stop focusing on the problem.

Step one – identify the skills you need in order to enjoy your goal when you hit it. (This so nicely ties in with the “you gotta believe it, then you can achieve it” though!)

When you start focusing on developing the skills, habits, rituals necessary – then you will start slowly making ground. Day by day, that’s the key!

Enjoy today’s TGIM!