“…this is the real secret of life… to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now… and realise that THIS is PLAY.” (enthusiasm added)
Some of my clients have embraced a method I’ve been using a while – I ask myself often: “Where you at?” The purpose isn’t to figure out where I physically am – it’s to remind myself that NOW is all there is.
When you get way down to the fact of the matter, nothing else really exists – so why not embrace everything you can, in the now. Obviously that doesn’t mean go shoot up with that crack! (step away from the needles!). Part of my routine is planning for the future. So, when I’m in that part of my routine, planning, I’m focused as hard as I can be on planning. Then, what’s the next step? The next task gets my attention. (that’s why I’m so good at massaging those of you that know about that!)
Well – here’s a little inspiration for ya’ – enjoy your day!