OH MAN! Talk about timing!

This video, just may become a daily watcher for me! (LOVE Les Brown’s speech!) LINK

I’ve had an interesting couple days, to say the least…

Arrived in Breckenridge Colorado Sunday – after driving from Portland Oregon to relocate here for the season on snow…

Found an affordable and cool place to stay (which, if you’ve never tried it in Breckenridge, in January, isn’t ‘easy’ to do!).

With meetings scheduled in the afternoon, we (Tara and I) were able to get out and enjoy a few runs Monday morning. We planned to start slow – being new ‘at altitude’, and not having our ‘ski legs’ yet… so 3 hours on snow Monday morning, followed by some great meetings with awesome clients Monday afternoon and evening. It’s working! We can do this!!

Tuesday – up and at ‘em for the same thing! Figured about 3 more hours on snow would be good… looking forward to the first snowfall we would see, probably a powder day Friday. The plan was, again, to take it easy and ease into it and then do more client meetings in the afternoon.

I was eyeing the parks, jumps, and rails at Breck too! But – avoided diving into them knowing I hadn’t developed the muscles to go flying just yet…

Instead, kept touring Tara around and exploring some of the new terrain, then about 2 hours in – BOOM! A little impact with another rider (completely blindsided me) resulted in my left ankle being broken… CLICK! just like that!

At least 2 months until I’m healed and able to snowboard again.

So – How would that make YOU feel?

Not gonna lie – there was about 5 minutes when I was pretty upset.

If you’ve never been in a situation like this, it is very convenient that the ground is covered in snow, because punching the ground (which is ‘soft’) is a good way to expend that little bit of energy that hits with anger, frustration, and let’s not forget a bit of pain. Luckily, I’ve been meditating. I recognized pretty quick that the ‘soft’ snow wasn’t that soft where I was, on my knees after the crash. So I intelligently didn’t break my wrist… instead, yeah – I took a nice long breath or two… or two dozen.

Well – that was my yesterday… Season pass purchased, rental in snow country secured, purchased a 4wd vehicle to support the snow, relocated while still maintaining the business commitments… all for a season of snowboarding. Oh – don’t forget the grand I’m going to drop on medical bills (at least) too… And I’m going to spend the season watching Tara go snowboard as much as possible on some of the best snow on the planet…

How would you react?

Here’s where my mind went about 5 minutes after the impact, well, maybe 10…

I literally have my foot ‘up’ for the next 2 months…

How much impact can I make in these 2 months? What do I need to do to impact more people, help more people figure out how THEY can live the life of their dreams??? (Don’t forget – injuries to things like your leg are a part of this dream lifestyle that I want – that I’m living!)

The fun part – synchronicities… this video pops up this morning and reminds me of the absolute most important first step toward anything, and I wanted to share it with you as soon as I could!



YOUR MIND (my mind) – THAT is what is going to decide where I am NEXT season! (and next week for that matter!)

That is going to be the ONE THING that you must work on if you want to build or grow or expand – period.

That’s where I’m starting!


Morning and evening meditation – probably a third session tossed in the afternoon too!

Journaling – to clear my mind of all the clutter so that I can focus on the ONE next step…

Oh – here’s my next step: (hope to see you here)

Breckenridge 2016, Feb 5-12 —- Tara and I are hosting an event in Breckenridge!!!! (I won’t be able to go ride with you, but I WILL be able to intensely focus on helping you move forward!)

Sign up here for more details, coming soon! Payment deadline will be Jan 15 and we will be sending details soon!  – LINK

Come enjoy a few days in a mansion with like minded people, building YOUR business and focusing on what it takes for YOU to move forward!

Enjoy your day – I’m going to get to work healing and arranging awesomeness for the upcoming event!