Jonathon Budd provides a cool shot of his infant, and describes, well, the anatomy of our brains… most importantly – why, your why, is so important!

It’s taken me decades, literally to implement changes in my life that it feels like ‘everybody else’ gets in their early 20’s! Of course, that is no where near accurate – but it is a feeling… Looking at relatively young men and women finding the truths and implementing them so effectively every day – when they are young, gives me that feeling.

You too?

That’s the point of the video! Feel your feelings – acknowledge them as what they are: feelings. And then DECIDE! Use that amazing thing God, or evolution, or the universe has given you and DECIDE what you want to do today, NOW, regardless of your feelings.

Your feelings are betraying you! Take it from me – just the experience I had with the deer at 85mph!!! just that ONE experience… I FELT like running. I felt like shitting my pants. I felt like screaming and closing my eyes, and squeezing my grips, and stiffening my arms… But I didn’t do those things. Instead I had ALREADY DECIDED what I was going to do… IF… Then when IF happened – I followed my plan: Don’t move the throttle! Don’t RUN!!! Just keep focused on where you want to go!

WHITE LINE! (down the road, around the bend)

By knowing your ultimate WHY (or destination), you will continue to make good decisions, daily, regardless of how they make you ‘feel’. Making good, daily decisions is the key to getting what and where you want!

You can do it!


oh – here’s that video: