Meeting Brendon after the event...

Meeting Brendon after the event…

A lot of folks know Mr. Brendon Burchard – no question… but do you KNOW him?

Wow – We attended his recent High Performance Academy event in Santa Clara CA recently. Sorry to keep repeating myself – but WOW!

I’m going to share several key takeaways that I am working to implement in my life in hope that you guys can use this same gold in your days. This is all my interpretation and description of my experience, please don’t take anything I say here as direct quotes, or specific Burchard original work. Instead – enjoy!

First – performance. There is simply no way that anyone reading this (or the other majority of people on the planet that aren’t reading this) are operating at or even near their actual potential peak performance! As soon as you think, ‘whew – I really pushed it today!” CHECK YOURSELF! Odds are that while I’m sure you did push yourself… you were NO WHERE NEAR your peak!

Moving into ways we can work to live a higher caliber, higher performing life –

Daily routines.

Brendon spent a significant amount of time helping us all understand the importance of ENERGY MANAGEMENT. The whole concept of time management is twisted a bit some would say. Instead, regardless of what time it is, or how much time you have, or how much time you spend on a subject- the quality of the experience will be based on the ENERGY YOU BRING to that experience.

That could be a sales call. That could be a jog. That could be making out with your partner… all of us have experienced times that were VERY impactful – yet short lived. And the opposite is true as well, huh? Times when things dragged and dragged, and didn’t leave much of an impact.

Managing your energy so that you have energy and enthusiasm to point in your desired direction is key! Daily habits and rituals are going to dominate your life if you really want to live at a high performing level – no question!  Brendon’s message included the establishment and use of triggers for example.

Triggers – Small events that occur and trigger specific thoughts or actions. Deciding what you want to feel, how you want to show up, or how you want others to perceive you is the first step.

Do you want your kids to feel like you love and value them? One example would be to set an alarm before they normally arrive home from school. When that alarm goes off, you spend 5, 10, 20, or however much time it takes to ‘clear the decks’ for your kids. Wrap up or drop what you’re working on and establish your mindset to welcome them home. Literally work through some mental exercises before hand and determine how you want to show up with your kids and have those words in that alarm, or otherwise displayed so you can be reminded. Then concentrate on them. Think about the actions you would have to take to appear to be that person.

Do you want your kids to feel you care? What would someone do that cares about their kids, in their kid’s eyes, do when they arrived home from school?

Do you want your kids to feel like you are interested in them? (hint – you should, otherwise they will look for that interest elsewhere.) What would your kids need to see to feel like you are interested in them?

We can talk examples all day long – the important thing is for you to take the time, think through this stuff and come up with KEY things that YOU decide for yourself. There is an infinite amount of resources available for you to find folks to help with that! I recently hired a coach that has helped tremendously!

What else did we talk about?

Brendon gave suggestions for diet, so did Dr. Amen! Dr. Amen is a ‘brain guy’ – to the extreme! He is pushing our understanding of brain chemistry and function to the edges – and has some amazing resources available for everyone here: XXXXX

With the focus on High Performance, Brendon laid a wide swath through all aspects of life: personal health, social interaction and dynamics, personal relationships, business execution… Everything came down to the bottom line that WE choose.

We are empowered with the most amazing gift ever – choice.

Starting with the end in mind seems to be the most admired method I’ve found yet, in every situation. When we start talking about major life decisions, contemplating how choosing A or B will affect us at the END of our life is the furthest reaching, and also what the majority of successful folks do. Brendon has done research for years that has given him the confidence and insight to say, without hesitation, that most of us, on our death beds, will ask some basic questions. If you’ve watched any of his videos or read anything from him, you know those questions are:

“Did I truly LIVE?”

“Did I truly LOVE?”

“Did I really MATTER?”

Thinking about those questions when you decide whether or not to start that next season of House of Cards or go work on your blog – that is what empowers you!

Recognizing that, in the end, YOU will judge YOU on whether or not you lived the life you could have, wanted to, or should have…


I for one am THANKFUL that these questions, and this perspective have been introduced to me! I’m going to keep working on building a life of less and less regrets – a life which will leave me exhausted and overwhelmed when I start to look back!


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