“Where you are helps determine WHO you are. Make sure you’re in the right environment for your success.”
Dean inspired me this morning! (video below)
Honestly guys, I can’t believe how dramatically important that thought is! If you haven’t read it, studied it, looked through it – there are a LOT of books and articles out there that say it… I want to put my personal spin on it.
Here’s a portion of an email I received the other day…
Hey, Clay, it’s Johnny, (name changed to protect those in pain) …what you just stated in your post to Chaplin Mike is what I just never got knocked into my head, stability and security at high speeds. I never felt stabile going slow and I fell victim to it… and I fell victim to it and all of the f(*$#!@~) ignorant attitudes of the riders I was surrounded by.
Now here I am in ICU for the 8th day. Bike is totaled,13 broken ribs, broken collar and shoulder bone, broken ankle and punctured lung with a drainage tube in it…”
Don’t want to belabor the point… When you look around – are the people that you are around mostly the type of person you want to be? The scary part to me is in the riding world, YEAH! I wanna be a bad ass rider that has immense control and skills on my bike- what you have to ask yourself though, is: WHY is that rider that good?
In another world – is that person doing good things to attract that value? Is that person motivated by good, or bad motivations? We can easily be just as successful at riding, or making money, for ‘bad’ motivations as ‘good’ motivations – as long as we are MOTIVATED! (or… enthused!) 🙂
Quick wrap up: When YOU choose who YOU are going to spend time with, make it people, environments, that are uplifting, encouraging, and provide value to the world around them. Don’t be afraid to be ‘different’ – BE YOU, follow your inner voice and don’t be swayed by ‘them’ (even ME!). Be true to yourself – and make decisions (not reactions) about who you surround yourself with!
until next time…
Here’s Dean’s video – He’s a pretty amazing guy!