“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.” -Helen Keller

Dr Suess said it this way:



Funny, we all feel like we ‘push it’, like we rebell. When someone sticks ‘baby’ in a corner (whoever baby may be to you) – you decide to stand up and fight back. Take her out of that corner, show the world she doesn’t belong there! (know the movie reference? -leave a comment with a guess!)

As long as it is in our comfort zone, or not too far out.

I’ve been struggling with defining my comfort zone. Weird part is, I’m a nut! Ask anybody – they think I push and push and I’m out there ‘on the edge’ in a lot of ways! Yet, when I slow down, really take the time to identify those few critical steps that need to be taken, and recognize that they just aren’t being taken…

Then it’s time to figure out why.

While I can help YOU overcome your fears and insecurities, I’m struggling with my own. I’m not afraid at all to take you deep into your soul, the dark places, find those things that seriously could devour a mere mortal – then prove to you that YOU ARE SUPERHUMAN! YOU can overcome anything, especially ‘that’ – because ‘that’ is just a figment of your imagination! While I can not only take that journey with you, but actually ENJOY it – when it comes time for me to go there… for me to delve deep and overcome my crap, poof!

That’s where the curse of the adhd comes in! I’m able to distract myself in more ways that most ‘mere mortals’ can imagine!

The frustrating part – I know, deep down, in the end… we all die alone. And, we all must deal with the demons, on our own. And eventually, with enough repeated effort… (hop to about 5:05 in the video above) – on we will go, tho the winds howl and your enemies prowl… up many frightening creeks…

stepping with care…


mountains will move from our efforts!

eventually – as long as we ‘get on our way’…

98 and 3/4% guaranteed

-we’ll win!

My message, my meaning is in helping people take those first steps. I want to help you. What are the ‘first steps’ you need to be taking to go where YOU want to go? Be it in health pursuits, relationship pursuits, or business pursuits… The sentence I’m closing with has served me well for many years:

If I don’t know the answer, I’ll let you know I don’t know, then we can find it together.