What challenges will you face today? What is your resistance going to put in front of you to try and stop you from doing what you’re supposed to do?
Relocating to Breckenridge and finding housing, then figuring out how to balance energy sufficiently so I can do the work I LOVE: this stuff, helping people like you that want to strive and win — and get some snowboard runs in everyday possible? That’s a challenge – but guess what? By the end of Day one on snow, I had it figured out!
then – Broken Ankle on day 2.
Finding housing, juggling planning for the event we are hosting in a couple weeks, keeping up with my commitments to my current clients… All now while also managing taking care of my leg??
Oh – I got some resistance!!!
Who’s gonna tell me I should suck it up and get over it?
Who can sympathize with my plight? Who can say ‘take it easy for a few days man.’ Who, in their right mind would tell me anything different? I just had my ‘dreams’ for the next two months completely CRUSHED – and trust me, the irony around how it happened would fill an entire book! Who’s got the guts to tell me to ‘get over it’ and ‘get on with it’… who, more than my old reliable you tube videos? 🙂
I put my dreams off for over a decade people – living in a snow town is just a step toward them, and I put them off for OVER A DECADE at least! And now, that resistance has me laying here on my back, foot in the air and wrapped in ice telling me to just CHILL MAN! Relax – everyone will understand, everyone can see how disrupted your world just became…
Here’s the thing – I’ve got a message for someone. Somebody out there needs this right now:
Don’t WAIT!!!!
Do NOT fall victim like so many others do! I’m not putting off sharing that message any more! Every time I do, the world reminds me, not too gently, that I am supposed to be sharing that message!
So, today’s video is pretty awesome, a bit long at 8.5 minutes… but wow did it move me!
About 5 minutes in ET starts talking about perfecting today – and I’m TRYING MY BEST!
Today’s agenda:
- wake, hobble thru breakfast
- drive Tara to the hill drop her off and head back to our temp home
- stop, snap a couple images for promoting the event (mansions where we may stay!)
- Get to ‘temp’ home, and struggle inside (not easy on crutches, in the snow, etc..)
- Get to couch and get foot up and with ice (way swollen by now)
- Get this video post done (folks like these a lot, and I enjoy doing them)
- Sort out about 2 hours worth of client notes and follow up emails (just a start – after a week, I have about 6-10 hours worth of these still to get done before next week)
- Start packing for the move to our more permanent home in the hills
- Go grab Tara from the slopes
- Finish packing
- Move (with a broken ankle, in snow – gonna be a BLAST!)
- Then dinner with new landlords
- Then more promotion planning and finish planning for tomorrow’s Get It Done 201 group call
Here’s the rub – I’m freaking EXCITED to be doing EVERY bit of that! Come on – I’m LIVING IN BRECKENRIDGE COLORADO!!!!
I am able through a lot of effort to help people like you develop, implement, and execute to previously un-imagined levels, by doing that I’m able to live anywhere and I picked here, and now!
What are YOU going to do today to empower YOU to be where you want to be?
What are you going to do today to change your world so it serves YOU instead of you going to that office, that job, that same routine?
I’m here to help! My expertise is NOT “I’ll show you how to make money by doing X, Y or Z..” Once you figure out what you are going to work on, something you hopefully enjoy, then I help people do it better, faster, bigger, and stronger!
What can you do in January to change where you are by December?
Tomorrow Get It Done 201 starts! Group Coaching for those that are not ready to invest in One On One coaching (which I HIGHLY recommend!!). We will be discussing and working through exercises to accomplish YOUR goals, your dreams, and help you execute more efficiently, more focused and with a more determined purpose than ever before!
Right now is your last chance to sign up!
Here is a paypal link (yep – that’s where we are – last chance!) Get in now! LINK ($149 monthly for 12 months)
If you aren’t sure, and you want to sample – email me here: [email protected]. I will do my best to invite everyone that is interested, but no promises. The only promise is to those that are IN with this paypal link – LINK
If you would like – you can purchase a full year for the price of only 10 months! That’s $1,490 HERE
Regardless if you’re ready to invest in yourself yet or not – this video is pretty bad ass! Got my juices flowing this morning! LOVE that we have the technology and resources and the world around us to provide us with these amazing resources!!
Enjoy your day! just like the video ends…
live large – you deserve everything you want! Go do the work you are meant to share!