Really enjoyed being interviewed by Dina Marie Joy!!! She has a great podcast, great interview style, great presence and is delivering some awesome content to her audience! Highly recommend you check it out! ...
About 1 minute into this video Steve Harvey starts asking the question about your gift… What IS your gift? I’ve found mine – to enthuse, empower, enable and help people live enthusiasticlay! (yeah, I type it that way now!) Enjoy today’s video,...
Sincere WARNING! The intro on this video puts it all in perspective. The first ten seconds enables you to truly feel your ultimate motivational moment… My suggestion is to take a few moments and ‘drop in’ before you hit play. Maybe even start it a...
What are you thinking about? RIGHT NOW – what are you thinking about? IT MATTERS!! ET is going DEEP in this video! – In Get It Done 101, the first lesson is titled: “Think, Do Not React”. This is basically what ET is talking...
This video is pretty. Pretty, eye catching, entertaining – motivating! Can you maybe turn off your screen and JUST LISTEN? [[[TLDR? – Your subconscious is afraid of death and will fight to the end to keep you ‘safe’. Safe means – no...
SERIOUS warning – do not watch this unless you’re ready to GO!!! “Decide consciously what you want your life to be about.” “It all comes down to controlling and mediating our attention.” ENJOY this video – -and, if you are...
Quick question for you – How old are you??? How many DECADES have you been living a life where you ‘go to work’ and ‘have a job’? next question – When you picture your brain – what do you see? That...
[[TLDR? – sign up for free Get It Done Videos here:]] Those that know me probably are aware of how my days are shaping up lately, huh? Wake up, do my morning launch (which – I highly recommend you start...
“You GOTTA BELIEVE!!!” Great quote! LOVE me some Les Brown – and this editor did an awesome job with this motivational video! OH! Here’s the link for next Get It Done 101 Class! –LINK to Get It Done!...
Greatness is simply a habit. The habit of not giving up. No question, the message of this video is true – greatness is not something ‘they’ are born with. We all have it. You have it, I have it, everyone has greatness in them. You can see it by all the...