What is YOUR Problem??

Talk about timing! Eric Thomas is FINALLY ‘out of the lab’! He NAILED it for me today, hope this resonates with you guys… click -warning! click-click… abrupt subject change approaching (apparently) New motorcycle riders want to go FAST! At...

Friday – it’s not the destination…

“Life isn’t the destination, Life’s the ride.” Happy Friday everyone! As your week winds down, wipe the sweat from your brow and embrace the NOW with EVERYTHING you have… another COOL reminder – THIS guy is a great...

Environmental Struggles…

“Where you are helps determine WHO you are. Make sure you’re in the right environment for your success.” Dean inspired me this morning! (video below) Honestly guys, I can’t believe how dramatically important that thought is! If you...

Why *Why* is so important…

Jonathon Budd provides a cool shot of his infant, and describes, well, the anatomy of our brains… most importantly – why, your why, is so important! It’s taken me decades, literally to implement changes in my life that it feels like ‘everybody...

Rituals, Habits – THERE it is… again!

I’m just plodding along doing my normal daily launch this morning (because I’ve learned THAT is the key to making my day into what I want my day to be)… Part of that is watching  a few minutes of a video as I munch on some breakfast. Today, selected...
That Next Step… Why are you NOT taking it?

That Next Step… Why are you NOT taking it?

They say “That first step you take, is the longest stride…” (one example at the bottom of this post) What I’ve realized is that the ‘first step’… isn’t necessarily the FIRST step of the whole process! It’s the NEXT...

LIve With Enthusiasm

They buried a motorcycle riding friend today. He was 40, wife, 2 kids. A semi truck – head on. embrace the now – if you don’t know how, maybe I can help! Reach out, contact me and I’ll do my best. if not, at least… since you will never...

Robin Williams, Seize The Day on Youtube, ENTHUSED!

I’m going to spend a couple days ENJOYING my life. Riding in a car with my lover for a few hours. Driving along a highway, many miles spent on roads I’ve never traveled! Getting to see things, together, that we’ve never seen! That’s exciting!...

I honestly had no idea…

Joe Rogan WHO? That’s that guy that hosted that reality show, Fear Factor, right? Welllll – he has a podcast… Here’s his site Below is a link to a youtube that has some clips. I highly recommend minutes 6:45 to about 15:00 first! -at least, if...

LIttle Light Alan Watts for Your Morning?

“…this is the real secret of life… to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now… and realise that THIS is PLAY.” (enthusiasm added) Some of my clients have embraced a method I’ve been using a while – I...