Check this out!!!!
Decisions! I love how the imagery in a lot of this video paints the pictures of decisions you’ve already made! (like above, you decided to follow that girl!!).
But the really cool part is these are some seriously INTERNAL decisions he is talking about in this video!
Quick intro video, to the video!
Here’s that video! Be sure to start paying a LOT of attention at about 30 seconds in- Dude NAILS it!
Here’s that interview mentioned, about the deer story (about an hour long) –
Finally – if any o f this sounds familiar and you’re TIRED of it, check out the link below!!!!
- “If I’m doing the same thing he, or she, is – but not getting the results – WHY?”
- “I know what I should be doing, but I just can’t seem to make myself do it!”
Either of those – The bottom line is HABITS! YOu simply must develop winning habits that keep you focused, on target, driven and driving! There are 3 little habits that appear, on the surface, to not really mean ‘much’. BUT – WOW they are really important! The sooner YOU learn that, the sooner you will ‘get there’!
This is my purpose these days – helping as many people as I can to STOP wasting their time! (I feel I’ve spent a few more years learning these lessons than necessary and want to help YOU minimize that painful and frustrating learning curve!)
That’s why I’m giving away this 5 minute video that helps you by clearly telling you what these 3 habits are:
Don’t FORGET – Live Enthused, Enabled, Empowered!
Live Enthusiasticlay!