This Purpose Driven video is a seven minutes narrated by Tony Robbins.

What will you take from it?

About 4:45 in, Tony says something about when most people discover the meaning of their lives. Most people, it isn’t until the end. That’s how I sometimes feel! But -I have learned a few things…

First – If you are reading this, then you already KNOW at least ‘something up’. Right? You are pondering if maybe you’re doing something wrong maybe? Repeating yesterday again today – doing the same thing over and over because that’s what is supposed to be done these days. I think the world has changed enough to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the ‘old story’ about going to school, and getting a good job, retiring happy – that’s old news, right? Yet – the world is still propagating that message, and a LOT of people are still attempting to find their joy in that manner…

Or – are you reading this and watching this video because you’ve realized those things? You are aware something isn’t ‘right’. You are searching, or maybe you’ve found something to hold onto and start pursuing the life you desire! Congrats if that is you!

Or – you may be like me. I’ve known for decades ‘something’s wrong’. I’ve lived a long time struggling to overcome something to get something else, only to be let down time and time again. Funny – a lot of folks can look at my life and say “You have it all!” Well, it never felt like it. I’m actually embarrassed at myself now looking back. I have had it all -just like you!

I’m meeting so many people these days that seem to be waking up. They thought they were ecstatic about that job, career, education, and were just so thrilled… until something skews just  a tad bit.

A baby is born. A near death experience happens. That awesome job they had just disappears. The loss of a loved one. There are so many triggers that cause people to open their eyes and see something sooo basic –

They just aren’t happy.

Are you HAPPY?

Do you live a life of JOY, excitement, energy, and purpose?

That’s what Tony is talking about, and that’s what I’ve learned is the ‘secret’.

These days I help people find that clarity for themselves. My purpose is to expose things. In this context – I help a few folks expose their core desires, which also unleashes their core fears. Then, we manage those fears and desires and get on a path to you living your life.

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If you are interested in figuring out what your purpose is, and how to more fully live into it, the first step is a strategy session. In that complimentary hour long session, we will uncover some interesting things about you and help you determine your path a little more clearly. At least.

Start that process by signing up here for an open time slot: Calendar

I hope this video inspires and motivates! Enjoy your day to your fullest capability!
